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Cosmic Black Cat

Elderberries ORG Frontier Coop by the ounce

Elderberries ORG Frontier Coop by the ounce

Regular price $2.49 USD
Regular price Sale price $2.49 USD
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The elder tree is considered a symbol of rebirth and renewal. In Norse mythology, Freya lived in an elder tree and in Celtic mythology, it is associated with the festival of Samhain and its branches were hung over doors to ward off evil spirits. Used to protect from evil along with summoning evil, it is used for healing and blessing along with curses, summoning ghosts, banishing, exorcism, prosperity, and sleep. It is used for remedies against cold and flu as well as inflammation. Straining an infusion of the berries and combining it with raw honey can be made to boost immunity. Ruled by Venus. Element Water. For entertainment purposes only.

Organic Elderberries from Frontier Coop. Sold by the ounce.

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